
Polityka i społeczeństwo

Spokesperson for the Minister-Coordinator of Special Services: statement on the Internal Security Agency (statement)

17.05.2018, 17:53aktualizacja: 17.05.2018, 17:53

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- The spokesperson for the Minister-Coordinator of Special Services informs:

On 17th May 2018, at the request issued by the Head of Internal Security Agency (ISA), Jekaterina C. (Russian citizenship) was detained in order to be expelled from Poland, where she remained since 2013. In addition to that, four other persons received 5 years’ entry ban into the territory of Poland. Materials collected by Internal Security Agency prove that above described took part in hybrid activities against Poland.

Gathered information are the effect of a few weeks work of ISA, which aimed at neutralizing activity of 2 network structures taking part in Russian hybrid and information warfare against Poland. All the collected materials allowed to identify persons involved in activities aimed at security of Poland.

All 5 persons tried to consolidate pro-Russian environment around two Russian high priority goals in hybrid activities aiming at Poland, that is: stoking Polish-Ukrainian animosity in social and political sphere as well as questioning Polish political history and replacing it with Russian narration.

Based on the collected material, ISA is also conducting activities towards Polish citizens cooperating with described foreigners involved in Russian information warfare against Poland. In relation to some of them, the activities are carried out jointly with the Prosecutor's Office, in order to press criminal charges .

Information indicates that Russian Federation is not only inspiring Polish citizens to act against Poland but also finances their activity. These funds are often being embezzled by contractors, which proves what kind of people and are involved in the activity.

One more time, work done by ISA presents the scale of information warfare being conducted by Russians against Poland. Polish society should be aware of potential threat coming from pro-Russian initiatives in Poland. Russia wants to present these activates as spontaneous and independent social movements whereas they are often inspired, coordinate and financed by Russia, in order to destabilize socio-political situation in our country.

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Data publikacji 17.05.2018, 17:53
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